
Friday, July 30, 2010

News of the Day Vol.2

1. Rocker Amy in trouble over unpaid bill
Amy is famous for his court cases these days. And, Mr. Rocker, please consider black & white next time. Don't let people fool you around. You're a rock legend for god's sake!
Read here.

"I didn’t know about the transportation cost(DUH...) as I was made to understand during a discussion that it was sponsored. I don’t know what to do now, if they want to take legal action, I cannot do anything,’’ he was quoted as saying"

Dr M: Block access to Internet porn
He was a dictator, but he's a brilliant man. And still is the brilliant of all PMs. Read here

"This (the accessibility of pornography) does not have a good effect on the young, excitable people who get worked up watching porn, resort to taking out their pent-up energy on babies and old women."

"I'm having second thoughts now. There's a need to censor some things that appear on the Net, especially access to pornography."

He said, however, Malaysian Netizens should continue to be allowed to have the freedom to voice their opinions on the Internet.

3. Ellen DeGeneres bows out of American Idol
I like her in AI! Read here

4. Ex-Transport Minister charged in PKFZ scandal
This is a historical event! For the first time, a "TUN" is being charged for a scandal. But, we already know the verdict... So, it's just another waste for court time and taxpayers' money (again & again), to make "some" people happy. Read here

5. Wanita dalang sindiket cepat kaya dikenal pasti
Why la Malaysians never learn that there is no way to be cepat kaya just by joining some STUPID scheme! Tamak haloba! U think u will go kaya just by goyang2 kaki, godek2 bontot?

If to call u idiot, nak marah. But, heck.. u're an idiot. Duit tak datang bergolek. Cari rezeki cara halal la, cara baik. And Nabi sendiri dah cakap, cara terbaik - berniaga. Lepas kena tipu nak pegi report polis. Hah! If I'm the police officer taking ur report, I will gelak berguling depan u! Read

6. 16 NGO kemuka memo mengenai isu air
Dear MB of Selangor, i know you're busy, but please read the memo. It's just 6 pages. We made it very simple and clear and definitely understandable. And, please understand what is "water-catchment area" . Read here

7. Pas saran Jakim perkenal logo "Haram"
Seriously? Seriously? Don't you have a better things to do? Settle the "Halal" logo first, can ah? Make everyone understand what is halal and haram first, can ah? Educate! Not just say thing... pakai air liur je modal, memang la senang. Read here

I heard that PM is going on vacation in Ramadhan month starting 10 Ogos 2010. Why Ramadhan? Where are you going, Mr 1Malaysia?

Najib: "Jangan tanya what I want to do, where I want to go, I am the PM. ada faham?"

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Love Triangle: Me, Eric and Corby

Eric is currently under coma after he drown in the iced Milo. It happened weeks back. I think its the lungs with the problem. Lambat effect. While waiting for the doctor to diagnose Eric, I met this wonderful, good looking Corby. I think I've fallen in love with him.

Dear Corby,
Once Eric wake up in 2 days, I will break up with him to be with you. But, please give me about 3 weeks to sort out the relationship; the gifts, the emotion, the photos of us together - all those cheezy things before i can go steady with you. I'll be cruel to Eric if i just dump him like that.

I dont give a damn when they told me you're unfriendly and likes to play 'hard to get'. I like that about you. Just making me wanting you more...

Oh, Corby... please wait for me. Imma gonna getcha and Imma gonna getcha good...

My Darling, Corby G3653w

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

News of the Day

NEWS#1: Yes, yes, it can shoot the Exocet, can it dive yet?
KD Tunku Abdul Rahman Proves Capability

NEWS#2: Pregnant girls want to go to school meh? Did they go at first place before they got pregnant?
Sekolah murid mengandung, idea kreatif KM Melaka

NEWS#3: Its the cara halus to tell Rosmah
Tun Siti tak menyibuk

Begitu lama Tun Mahathir di tampuk kuasa. Tun Siti tetap bersederhana. Tiada cerita kemewahannya semasa di luar negara, atau bising campur tangannya dalam projek itu dan ini, tiada cerita 'kegarangannya' kepada pihak sana dan sini. Beliau hanya tersenyum dan merendah diri.

Bahasanya tidak bongkak, gayanya tidak berlagak. Tidak banyak cerita di media tentang dirinya, sehingga melebihi suaminya. Namun, sebagai insan tentulah ada kekurangan dan kelemahan di sudut-sudut tertentu. Demikianlah semua manusia.

Seorang pemimpin memerlukan isteri yang 'tidak menyibuk' seperti Tun Dr Siti Hasmah. Walaupun sangat terpelajar, tetapi tahu membawa diri sebagai isteri pemimpin. Setiap isteri pemimpin mesti pandai menjaga maruah suaminya.

Pandai menjaga nama baik politik suami. Jangan sampai suami dibenci rakyat kerana gaya dan sikap isterinya. Ertinya, jangan sampai rakyat membenci seseorang pemimpin 'pasal bini dia'. Buat semua isteri pemimpin, jadikanlah Tun Siti Dr Hasmah sebagai contoh yang baik dalam hal ini! Jangan lebih lajak dari laju, rakyat tak suka perangai macam itu!

NEWS#4: It is because the ladies just want a good and secured life OR just being "have high-expectation" and materialistic?
Wanita Asia tak suka kahwin

Menurut Daniele, disebabkan taraf pendidikan wanita meningkat, penyertaan mereka dalam sektor pekerjaan juga bertambah dan sebahagian daripadanya enggan memainkan peranan tradisional sebagai seorang isteri.

Mereka lebih suka mengekalkan status sedia ada dan mengejar kerjaya,” katanya.

Sebaliknya, kata Daniele, lelaki mahu mendapat zuriat, dan sesetengahnya mengharapkan mereka boleh bergantung harap dengan anak masing-masing ketika tua.

NEWS#5: Uwwaaa, if like this, I oso dont mind become a "pickpocketeer"
Peragut perolehi RM2,051 sehari

Kerjaya sebagai peragut memang lumayan.

Berdasarkan statistik yang dikeluarkan Kementerian Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan (KPKT), dalam tempoh sehari seorang peragut mampu memperoleh purata pendapatan berjumlah RM2,051.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Movie Review: The Sorcerer's Apprentice

Last thursday, after a long day at the consultation and meeting with my mentor, I got a call from Fit and said "hey, jom wayang!" so i guess, ya, jom wayang! besides, I havent watch Twilight:Eclipse. So, we promised to meet at Sunway Pyramid.

Knowing how Fit will go sesat wherever she goes (and its amazing how she can finds her way to the place even no one tell her how to get there, somehow, for some reason, she's just there..) I jalan-jalan and did not buy any tickets sampai la Fit sampai and she bought it.

So, Eclipse scheduled at 12am, so, we picked yang awal skit, Disney's The Sorcerer's Apprentice.

It started okay, the usual... It was kinda funny when Merlin said that Balthazar (the Cage) need to find his successor - "Prime Merlinean".. sangat tak real! there's something lacking or something wrong with that phrase..

So, there was the fight between the evil, Morgana and the old guy with white beard, Merlin. And the evil witch was trapped in Veronica's body by Veronica's spell and both were kept in the Grimhold. (ala, patung Russia yang ada banyak layer tu)

Then, Balthazar went for his quest to find the Prime Merlinean for centuries until he met the little David Stutler. The kid was cute! And the dragon ring tu pun ,i wish i have one!

Then, 10 years passed by after the magic-fight where Balthazar and Horvath trapped in a magic urn, they got out and want to find the Grimhold. And David (Baruchel) becomes a NYU physics genius and was later made apprentice by Balthazar.

Don't expect big from the movie, its just nice for family. Just like Prince of Persia. Cuma perhaps, Prince of Persia sangat menarik di mata i la... ehem. TERSANGAT MENARIK ye...

The Bruckheimer really la a genius guy! Imagine dia boleh buatkan the Cage yang dah kemot-kemot sangat kool dan macho. Macho ya salam! Macho!

so he aged, but just take a look at him!

see? see what i mean?

he's cool right? cool kan?

But, the Cherry boy, Baruchel in this movie is not very convincing like in "She's Not My League". Dalam ni, dia tak berjiwa. Dia tak ada "dalam hati ada taman". Coz i think, dia dah terbiasa dengan watak "loser, skema, nerd, geek..." all that sort.

Part paling aku suka is when the Cage touch the car and it change to a cool-brand-new Beemer! Wah lao! And then, they got trapped in the mirror.

There's another part yang aku menjerit sampai sekarang is the part, Dave showed Becky his experiment and put Secret-One Republic on... aku download and dengar hari-hari lagu tu. If only aku boleh dapat the original yang dia buat dengan electric-lightning tu... aduhai~~

Thanks to the one who sponsored the movie nite, Puan Norul Fitri... clap clap..


Saturday, July 24, 2010

One Year Resolution (27 July 2010 - 27 July 2011)

Year resolution does not mean you have to consider during new year je kan.. I made up my mind to finally list myself to several things that need to be done starting 27 July 2010 - 27 July 2011. Wiwit, macam nak apply grant.

#1: Have saving worth of my 2months of salary

Its been one year and three months since i started work. Unfortunately, my saving (yang wajib simpan) always tak de... "pooff" tiba-tiba dah susut duit. Its too embarrassing for me for not having any saving untuk diri sendiri. By having this saving, the least is aku akan rasa kaya sket.. correction: berduit.

Bila aku kira2, macam RM500 je aku nak kena simpan sebulan.. hmmm

#2: Travel to other countries at least one country a year.

Dengan adanya Airasia, now everyone can fly. And dengan bekerjanya aku kat NGO, i have the opportunity to travel tanpa berbelanja untuk flight dan accommodation...ekekek. I've been to Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Jakarta and will be in Bali next week.

I really look forward to go to the Philippines, since I have Roslyn and Yang (pinays beauties I've met during my dtp training). I really want to be in Mindanao in particular. Coz I heard its pretty there.

surigao city, mindanao

maravu, fiji

This is actually my whole lifetime punya resolution. Even bila aku ada anak nanti pun aku nak berjalan – jalanan melihat dunia begini. And kita start negara ASEAN yang tak payah visa. Sebab if kena ada visa, satu2nya yang akan menjadi isu utama adalah: Height Issue.

#3:Spent more time with family

Abah always call and ask when me wanna go back. Used to balik once a month, but since Damia dah takde, aku tak balik sehinggga being ordered my mom. And I kept telling myself that I needed to be around them more often.. *sigh* me have to start to do it!

buat gambar gini, retro kan..

if this is my family, and I am Alice, perghh.....

#4: Lose 12 kg in one year

This is like every year's resolution for fat people...hehehe. But this time around, I'm a bit equipped. I have the menus and the gym trainer... wish me luck! (and i want to be at BMI - overweight not normal)

#5: Buy myself a netbook and a digital camera

These two are like the most wanted stuff yang aku perlukan sekarang! I need a small lappie which can connect me to the internet wherever I go. And the digital camera is to replace the one got stolen. Arrghhhh..masih tension dengan pencuri... oh, azwa, ikhlaskan hati ye, ikhlaskan hati

DELL mini inspiron 10

nikon ss220

#6: Learn to scuba dive

Berlagak gila babi punya impian kan? Yes, i want to try to scuba. I have promised my friends at work to go to Sipadan in December 2011. So, kena belajar!

#7: Beli rantai emas SATTUU!

Tahun lepas aku main kutu, tapi aku pun hairan tetiba je dah pooff. mana pergi pun aku tatau. So, this time around aku nak simpan lagi, mengkutukan lagi untuk beli satu rantai emas untuk diri sendiri. Damia dulu pun ada satu set i tell you.

#8: Own KDH 1902

I don’t have the money like Siti Nurhaliza that can bid KCT at RM40K, tapi aku akan definitely bid for this plat number. 1902 is Damia's birthdate.. and KDH sot-fom KEDAH la dey...

#9: Bangun pukul 6.30 pagi tiap-tiap hari

Ye, subuh aku super gajah. Malu gile. Bak cakap tok " berDOSSA" (sila emphasizekan DOSS itu). Aku kena cuba bangun awal. BANGUN!!!

#10: Keep a pet

Last time, when I was in UIA, i had two tortoise(s).. Jebat and Teja. One died, and another one ran away. So, this time aku nak ada pet yang nak mengendeng kat aku and tak lari punya. ehehe. I guess fish would be more senang kot...

#11: Have and ACTUALLY PAY FOR DINNERS AND KAROK TIME with Encik Marzuki sekeluarga

I owe a lot to Papa, Mummy, Kak Wiznie, Aya, Ayiq and Iwan. I know that Tuhan will definitely balas diorang dengan pahala yang sangat banyak dan berganda, so, at least ini lah yang aku boleh buat for them.

#12: Belajar berhemah

Do you know that even though I am cool, I am a shy person inside? bwahahaha. ok, we stop there.

Ada satu lagi yang aku nak letak, tapi, orang takkan faham kot masalah aku yang satu ni. #13

Izit achievable? Of course. Aku cuma perlu mulakan langkah pertama and never look back. ERkk?

Reminder kepada diri sendiri:

  • Month 4: 1st quarterly report
  • Month 8: 2nd quarterly report
  • Month 12: Final report and financial report

Sila ingatkan saya. Thank you.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

I am an ASEAN

I had the opportunity to be part of a training on ASEAN Human Rights Mechanism at Pearl International on 19th - 22nd July 2010. It was organized by FORUM-Asia and the local host was SUARAM. About 30 human rights activists and few PAs to YBs from Selangor and Penang attended the training. Yah, for obvious reason.

Did i mentioned i like cute, knowledgeable guy with amazing laugh? *ehem*

Jerald, the Fun Guy simplified everything there is about ASEAN and AICHR. I was a bit distracted by Boyet's accent (i looovvveeee his Filipino accent) during his session, he helped us to identify our roles in ASEAN in Malaysian context and the advocacy tools needed to push for the betterment of AICHR.

Dengki betul la dengan Jerald, he is super-can-make-everything-simple.. If i only i had midget Jerald when i was in UIA, i can definitely tengs si Anthony.. hahaha. Peace, Jerald. ( wey, its a compliment bro)

And, as we all dah figure out, Dato' Shafee Abdullah would never join our consultation. ye la, siapa la kita.

People of ASEAN,
We are better and bigger than EU (582 million population y'know) but why la we never proud of our own region? So, ASEAN was established by the dictators but now, as we have AICHR, yang bleh kita jadikan satu pegangan untuk harapan, dont you think ASEAN is for us, me and you? Let us trace back our ancestral lines... at the end kita dari satu rumpun. Why cant we call ourselves - "i am an ASEAN?"


Super thanks to Shuai Ge a.k.a Abang Hensem, Moon Hui and my DTPian, Purnomo who has been macam separuh gila organizing the great training. And Atnike and Yap from FORUM-Asia. (i think Yap was cute when he said "his heart hurt" by the statement made by some individuals during the consultation, i know the sakit is there, but it was cute. i did bayangkan Anthony buat gitu gak, coz Yap and Anthony very much alike.

Sila tanya kawan2 saya yang bersama di SUARAM Dinner tahun lepas.. apakah itu persamaan Yap dan Anthony.

Juga, would like to apologize to Purnomo as i was not able to drive you around. Wrong time of the year la you came my friend. Besides, it was weekdays and I have to attend to various things - juggle with Me the fun, cool person and Me, the human rights trainer.... =)

photo credit: Encik Razak, from Selangor State Exco Office.

Monday, July 19, 2010

I Miss Her Like Crazy

wahhh... on her first birthday
sket-sket nak naik lori...

bonda beli baju bee ni kat bangkok.. untuk mia

cam cik kiah nak gi bergosip..heh

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Maka berpusu-pusulah mereka...

Malam ni akan beramai-ramai kereta menghinggapi stesen-stesen minyak tatkala mereka mendengar atau membaca berita ini :

Harga petrol, diesel naik 5 sen
Jul 15, 10 6:26pm
Harga petrol dan diesel akan dinaikkan 5 sen berkuatkuasa tengah malam ini.

Aku terbaca ni kat malaysiakini. Siaplah deme beratur. Beraya lah tauke-tauke stesen minyak malam ni.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Gender Confused Coach

When I was in my way back from Bukit Jalil, a temp-Puduraya, I thought to myself, maybe i want to try the new ladies coach KTMB introduced last couple of months.

So, from STAR Bukit Jalil, I hopped down at Bandar Tasik Selatan and change to the commuter and waited at the ladies' waiting area. Weird, no ladies sitting there, but two Myanmar guys with one of the wearing Bigbang t-shirt.

So, when the commuter arrived (after 12 freaking minutes of wait) i got into the new, pink and smell nice "Ladies Coach"

they have it translated in several languages. there's english, arabic, mandarin and tamil

unfortunately however, there are people who seem to be confused of their own sexuality, like these people...

*the white shirt is the bigbang guy who was sitting at the ladies' coach waiting area with me earlier.

you should see the faces of the guys when they came in the coach, they have this happy and delighted faces...

good thing is that no malay guy in there. i guess, malay's ego sometimes, can come in handy. when we arrived at midvalley station, there were two KTMB police who came in and chased these 'gender confused" people out. wooott...

maybe, perhaps, in the future, to avoid this kind of gender confusion, they can paint the whole middle coach with pink, some pink feathers, with pink ornaments and pink curtain. we'll see whether the real-macho-not confused-have pride-guys would go in there.

like the one that they have it on this board.

but, when this idea direalisasikan, one thing for sure, i would never get in there! ever!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Hah! Nah.. hambik Ko!

I was dared by a colleague at work (just two minutes ago) to put Adam Lambert's photo in my blog since i like to listen to his songs so much.

Bro, what the heck is your problem with Adam? Because he's gay? What's wrong with that? I don't care what is his sexuality, he's a performer. He's awesome.

Hah! Nah! Amik ko! Puas hati.

Dan lagi

(for you. yes you yang kaki dengki dan kiasu)

Three Countries in One Week


I am going Bali, Indonesia bebeh!. For ANNI Conference on Emerging Human Rights Issues in Asia this August. Invited by FORUM-Asia.

FORUM-ASIA is a membership-based regional human rights organisation committed to the promotion and protection of all human rights including the right to development.It is based in Bangkok and have more than 46 organizations across the region as its members. One of them is of course, my office lah. That's why got invite maa...

Will be staying at Ayodya Resort in Nusa Dua. So freaking cool~~ now looking in Lonely Planet mana-mana tempat bleh jalan. Doaku semoga Aya Marzuki dan Wiznie Marzuki dibenarkan untuk bergembira bersama di Bali, bebeh!

Then, 2 hari kat Malaysia dan selepas itu go shopping with Atun, Zara, Ayu, Aya, Kak Wiznie kat Haadyai for the weekend. Shopping, bebeh!

wah..wah.. alhamdulillah, tecapai gak hasrat untuk bepergian ke luar negara sekali dalam setahun.

tahun lepas dua kali ke Thailand. Tak kisah la tak dapat berjalan jalanan pun, asal sampai, asal ada benda bleh beli kat mak abah.

kan? kan?

the Jakarta Trainin' and Trippin'

On 30th May - 5th June 2010, I was instructed to go for a Human Rights and Business Training Programme organized by DTP, a training organization guru in human rights from Sydney Australia. Check them out at

The training was in Menteng, Central Jakarta. We stayed at Grand Cemara Hotel.

I had a wonderful week there with other participants. They are from Indonesia, Philippines, Papua, Fiji, Timor Leste, Mongolia, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan... did i forgot any of them? Well, like Fana said " Aku ni berlagak ada kawan dari satu Asia"

Weird thing is we all really feel for each other y'know. Feel close and can oso hug-hug, kiss-kiss.

So, aku definitely understand perasaan budak-budak AF sekarang, sebab dulu aku rasa diorang poyo gile sebab nangis bila member kena voted out. Tapi, diorang still poyo la, abih kalo member ko tak kena vote keluar, boleh ke ko ada peluang for the next round?

Anyway, I portrayed myself sebagai budak baik dari Malaysia. bwahahaha. Siap dapat gelaran "Madam Puan Wan Azizah" gitu. Why? See the pic.

(jangan kata korang, aku pun geli tengok diri sendiri dalam gambar ni)

(adam was there for me, street vendor at tana abang, duck w green chillies, hard rock cafe)

(met two lovely Filipino ladies..kumusta??)

(kenapa ya aku jadi tertarik dengan mu?)

(tried very hard to dance, tapi tak reti, duduk, makan dan makan lagi)

(the last day..)

oh mai god~! rindu gile kat diorang!

The Start of Something New

(aku google perkataan perasan: ini yg kuar)

When i was in Jakarta after few weeks from depression of the demise of my only niece, I knew back then i needed a side-hobby to keep me occupied.

I was so depressed I did not care about my job at all.

So i thought blogging would be okay. Since i can go whining and ranting about everything. I have issue with almost everything. heh

I joined gym several months back, but could not reduced any weight. So, i thought, better to channel my head for "gyming is to reduce stress".

Working with NGO gives you this kind of adrenaline rush where slow-like-tortoise people could never be able to pick up nor the messed-up-people.

I was among the messed-up. But now, I'm this cool-well organized-cheapskate-independent gal in the human rights field. aicewah! perasan.